Choose one of these itineraries, listen to the passages from the books and solve the puzzles. Many more prizes await you.

Literapolisbcn is a game using mobile phones aimed at encouraging young people between the ages of 14 and 18 to read and discover more about the city. It is a “literary gymkhana” in which users have to locate different real geographic points in the city where the action of the book is set.

This Iternatura-created project has two goals: to give Barcelona a tool to relate the city to literature and, more specifically, to encourage young people (who are usually not big readers) to read more and enjoy reading through spaces of experience and participation revealing the stories hidden in the streets of Barcelona.

There are three different routes for each novel. One to discover a book, another to answer questions on the book once they have read it, and the third one to solve mysteries and cryptic clues related to the novel and the city.
Every route consists of 10 geolocalized tests: only when the player has reached the exat point on the map does the test get activated. For every answered test, the game generates a reward (illustration, Picture, vídeo) for the Player, who stores it in his/her phone and keeps on playing.For every completed itinerary, the game generates a Prize: 2×1 tickets or special discounts for equipments or Institutions which have to do with the novel’s plot.

The authors are involved in the project too, as well as publishers and literary agents, bookshops, libraries, and the Barcelona Education Consortium.
